Roll # 3 - Fuji Superia 400 - 36 exp. - Pentax KM - SMC 55mm F2

I bought this roll from Kerrisdale Cameras for $13.57 before tax. The special deal here is that they include the price of developing and either a set of scans or prints. I opted for prints as I could scan the developed negatives myself. When the prints came back, I was a bit put off by the colors. Being a good scientist, I remembered that there were multiple variables at play, and that in order to make a more accurate comparison, I should scan the negatives in the same way I had scanned the Kodak Gold Negatives from rolls #1 and #2, and only then would I be able to make a good comparison. My thoughts? I love this film too. The image is a bit colder, I’ll expose it a bit more next time.